"So they began their circuit of the villages, preaching the Good News and healing the sick"
Luke 9:6 (NLT)
CARHA's goal is to provide medical care opportunities where our Haitian brothers &
sisters can receive both initial treatment, preventative, as well as consistent follow up.
Your donation goes directly to CARHA clinics, clinic staff salaries, medical supplies, equipment, and operating costs.
Join us in serving God's kingdom by serving His people!
sisters can receive both initial treatment, preventative, as well as consistent follow up.
Your donation goes directly to CARHA clinics, clinic staff salaries, medical supplies, equipment, and operating costs.
Join us in serving God's kingdom by serving His people!
"The Well"
CARHA Medical Clinics
In the bible, a well symbolizes a place to renew one's strength; a source of healing water for those who need to be poured into.
Because of supporters like you, medical care is now available in parts of Haiti where it's never been before!
Saint Martin Campus
The Well Medical Clinic
Our St Martin clinic is located on CARHA's first campus and has been serving the community for over 20 years. It's currently opened 5 days a week and leads short-term medical mission trips and mobile clinics to many under-served surrounding villages. Your donation helps us keep our St. Martin Clinic a staple in the lives of our community today!
Bayonnais Campus
The Well Medical Clinic
In 2020, The Well Clinic was founded in the remote village of Bayonnais. Before, for many in this community, their only option was to visit a Vodou Priestess/ Witch Doctors when they were sick. Now, thanks to the generous building donation of our Medical Ministry partner, Go.Build Love., The Well Clinic is a source of physical healing and hope!
Passé-Reine Campus
The Well Medical Clinic
Launched in 2023, our newest "The Well" Medical Clinic services our Passe-Reine campus community.
Due to recent financial strains, it's only opened 3 days a week, but our prayer is to have all of our clinics fully staffed and operational 5 days a week!
Our vision for our Medical Ministry is rooted preventative education and treatment so, we hope to host community outreach events in and around our 3 clinic campus locations - but we need your help!
Due to recent financial strains, it's only opened 3 days a week, but our prayer is to have all of our clinics fully staffed and operational 5 days a week!
Our vision for our Medical Ministry is rooted preventative education and treatment so, we hope to host community outreach events in and around our 3 clinic campus locations - but we need your help!
Your donation to our Medical Care Ministry will keep our clinics running, staffed and equipped to provide quality care to our brothers and sisters in need

Join CARHA in Haiti!
There is such a shortage of healthcare providers in Haiti that a single doctor sees an average of 16,000 patients per year!
Specialists such as Orthopedists, Urologists, Plastic Surgeons and Ophthalmologists are extremely rare in Haiti. Partnerships with visiting specialists are immediately available through local hospitals and clinics. Click on the Learn More button below to connect with a team as a visiting doctor or nurse.
Specialists such as Orthopedists, Urologists, Plastic Surgeons and Ophthalmologists are extremely rare in Haiti. Partnerships with visiting specialists are immediately available through local hospitals and clinics. Click on the Learn More button below to connect with a team as a visiting doctor or nurse.
Interested in partnering with a medical team?
Find out more about a medical missions trip, donate medical supplies, or join a medical team!
Find out more about a medical missions trip, donate medical supplies, or join a medical team!