Our Schools
Every CARHA school has a Christian education curriculum.
With a firm foundation in God and His word we know our future leaders will be able to face any obstacles!
Equipping the next generation through Christian education is CARHA's foundational ministry. Our prayer is that no longer will our brothers and sisters in Haiti have to suffer from a lack of knowledge.
With Him as our foundation and a strong education we can transform Haiti.
Equipping the next generation through Christian education is CARHA's foundational ministry. Our prayer is that no longer will our brothers and sisters in Haiti have to suffer from a lack of knowledge.
With Him as our foundation and a strong education we can transform Haiti.
Institution Mixte Ferrol Hettick
Gonaïves Campus
Passé-Rein Christian School
Passé-Rein Campus

Institution Mixte Ferrol Hettick
Bayonnais Campus

Karley Pope Christian School
Saint Martin Campus

A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables. The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger."
Proverbs 24:3-5 (NLT)

Because vocational training is such an important part of moving students from sponsored students to employed Haitian adults, CARHA founded its first trade school, Grace Professional School (GPS). Offered courses range from mechanic engineering to small business training.
Grace Professional School is a one of the many steps CARHA is taking to transition Haiti from a country that relies on aid to a nation full of self-sustaining trades.
Grace Professional School is a one of the many steps CARHA is taking to transition Haiti from a country that relies on aid to a nation full of self-sustaining trades.

In Haiti, education is a key that can open many doors. It’s essential for a better life but, for many, it’s a privilege they can’t access. Our priority is to provide quality education where it may have otherwise been unavailable.
Wether it's a donation to our CARHA Campus schools, student scholarships, our GPS Trade School, or teacher salaries, your donation will keep our Education Ministry up and running.
Wether it's a donation to our CARHA Campus schools, student scholarships, our GPS Trade School, or teacher salaries, your donation will keep our Education Ministry up and running.