The Well

Bayonnais Medical Clinic

Bayonnais, a remote village in northern Haiti, is a perfect place for God's healing water to live. With the closest hospital being over 30 miles away, quality medical care isn't readily available to many of the residents. The Well Medical Missions Clinic, CARHA's second medical clinic, opened in the summer of 2019 and it's truly a gift from God! Since opening it's doors, The Well has been a blessing to countless patients, young and old, and has created jobs for our 14 clinic employees, including 3 resident doctors!

Pour into 'The Well' today, and together, we can continue to pour out to God's people of Haiti!

The approximate cost to run The Well clinic is about $5,500 a year, which includes staff salary, prescription medicine, medical supplies, equipment and any emergency hospital transfers. With your help, CARHA can continue to provide medical care and health services to the people of Bayonnais. Your giving is more than a just a number or dollar amount. It's tied to real people and lives in need of healing—physically and spiritually. Help us continue what God has blessed us with!

Become a Medical Sponsor today!

100% of your medical care donation  goes directly to CARHA clinics, clinic staff salaries, medical supplies, equipment, and ministry operation costs.

Learn more about how we use your donation with our giving transparency fact sheet.

Want to donate medical supplies?

See list below for items needed at our CARHA clinics or 
click on our amazon icon to purchase items  from our medical ministry wishlist!

Oral Rehydration Liquids/Mixes
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Naproxen/Ibuprofen (Aleve/Advil)
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Hemorrhoid cremes/wipes/suppositories
Multi-Vitamins (adult and pediatric)
Diclofenac IV
Mannitol 20% (diuretic prescription)
Hydrogel (skin repair)
Wound Care & Sanitary Supplies
Bandages (all sizes and shapes)
First Aid Kits (multiple items in a kit)
Sterile bandages/towels
Antibacterial hand soap
Rigid cervical collars
Minor surgery trays (complete suture kits and just the sutures themselves)
Splints (all sizes; portable and flexible)
Furniture & Clinic Supplies

"So they began their circuit of the villages, preaching
the Good News and healing the sick"
Luke 9:6 (NLT)

Contact Us

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