I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born
I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations"
Jeremiah 1:5
Haiti's Future Leaders
At CARHA we don't refer to our children as orphans, but rather Future Leaders—because that's truly who they are. At the moment, we have 24 future leaders living at Grace orphanage, with our youngest child at 8 years old. Our prayer is to never have to turn away a child in need because of we can't cover the cost.
All children at grace orphanage are enrolled at Institution Mixte Ferrol Hettick - a K-12th grade school based at our Gonaïves Campus.
All children at grace orphanage are enrolled at Institution Mixte Ferrol Hettick - a K-12th grade school based at our Gonaïves Campus.

Every bit of support, service and sacrifice you contribute to CARHA children means something. Not only will it bring a smile to their faces, but it will stay in their hearts forever. Join us as we continue to sew faith into the lives of God's children.
Become a Future Leader Sponsor Today!
Their lives and futures will be transformed because of your giving.
Thank you for your 'YES'
Thank you for your 'YES'
Future Leader Sponsorhip
As a Future Leader sponsor, your donation would cover housing expenses, meals, school fees, uniform, school supplies as well as any medical services they may need.
Future Leader
Continuing Education Program
Because of the current crisis in Haiti, all Universities and Colleges are shutdown. Your donation to our Continuing Education Program will give our 18+ Future Leaders a chance to continue their education with placement in Christian colleges/ universities across the US.